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Finished Birthday Quilt

I finished a quilt! This is one of the projects I’ve been working on all year, going back to it in between other things. It’s laid in my WIP (work in progress) pile for months, so now that’s finally done and in it’s intended home, it feels so good! (forgive these back-lit pictures…)


IMG_8684The pattern is Oh Fransson’s Paintbox Quilt, and I also used her tutorial. This is the first log cabin-style quilt I’ve ever made. It came together well, but all those pieces?? What a drag. 80 blocks of cutting, piecing, sewing, and pressing gets old. Which is why it took me all year and many breaks!

After I made one sister a quilt (which I’m now realizing I never posted pictures of…), my other sister decided she needed one. When she visited last December we pored over quilt designs, then headed to the fabric store to pick her favorites. I started, then stopped soon after, sick of looking at red, black, and white. The nice thing about rotating projects is that I can cure my color-exhaustion. Sometimes my eyes just need to look at other things!

The back got a bit crooked, which I am choosing to believe simply adds to the charm. My projects are never picture-perfect: my strength in sewing and quilting is finishing. I have the patience to plod through, and I love the rush of success enough that even if things are messed up I keep going and complete it. There’s good and bad to that– depending on how perfect you like your quilts. Me, I simply like them done, wrapped around me on a chilly night.

Happy birthday, Shasta, and may this quilt keep you cozy and warm for years to come!

This entry was posted in: Handmade


I live in Portland, Oregon and love to explore the city, the Pacific Northwest, and beyond. I enjoy hiking and other pursuits in the outdoors. I also enjoy eating cheese, a good picnic, a new restaurant, and embroidering maps.


  1. girlfriendcircles says

    Yes!!!!! It already is my go-to snuggly blanket! I LOVE IT!!!!! Thank you for ALL that time and work! What a gift! xoxo

    • Thank you! I do love the colors–they really pop in the finished quilt. And yes, I love that binding, too! A happy find.

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